P-Scandic Hämeenlinna


Entrance and exit

Opening hours


Open area

  • Hotel courtyard, outdoor area
  • The parking space/gateway maximum height is 2.55 m.

Where should I take my car?

Drive from Saaristenkatu to Raatihuoneenkatu, and then along the pedestrian street for about 50 metres. Turn at the corner of the hotel, and drive into the courtyard through the gateway.


Tariffs 24/7


Between 12 midnight and 12 midnightEUR 1.60/hr
Minimum chargeEUR 0.60
Full day 24 hrs
Between 12 midnight and 12 midnightEUR 10.00

The tariffs include VAT

Payment methods

  • Payment with coins at a pay station
  • With a payment card at a pay station
  • Mobile payment EasyPark (920)
  • Mobile payment ParkMan

See payment methods »

Pay stations

  • The area has one pay station.
  • The parking fee must be paid for the entire parking time as soon as parking begins.
  • Enter the vehicle’s registration number at the pay station and follow the on-screen instructions.
  • Keep the parking ticket as a receipt. The ticket does not need to be left in your vehicle.

Customer service

Pay and Park
Customer service
weekdays between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m.:
Telephone:  +358 (0) 207 907 300