
Vuosaari, Helsinki

Entrance and exit

Opening hours


Open area

  • Outdoor area
  • Contract parking area only

Contract parking

Our customer service helps with contract parking matters on weekdays from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Unheated parking space 24/7, one parking space75,30 €/month, VAT 25.5 %
60,00 €/month, VAT 0 %
Heating pole 24/7, one parking space100,40 €/month, VAT 25.5 %
80,00 €/month, VAT 0 %

The minimum contract period is two (2) months.
The notice period is one (1) calendar month.

Contract parking is only for those operating at the property.


Location’s contract spaces full

Customer service

Pay and Park
Customer service
weekdays between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m.:
Telephone:  +358 (0) 207 907 300