P-Plaza Business Park


Entrance and exit

Opening hours


Open area

Paved yard

Tariffs 24/7


Between 12 midnight and 12 midnightEUR 1.10/hr
Minimum chargeEUR 1.10
Full day 24 hrs
24 hrsEUR 6.00

The tariffs include VAT

Payment methods

  • Payment with coins at a pay station
  • With a payment card at a pay station
  • Mobile payment EasyPark (966)
  • Mobile payment ParkMan

See payment methods »

Pay stations

  • The area has one pay station.
  • The parking fee must be paid for the entire parking time as soon as parking begins.
  • The parking ticket must be placed visibly on the dashboard inside the windscreen.
  • A parking ticket cannot be presented afterwards.


Electric cars

Paid electric vehicle charging stations Operator: IGL,  www.igl.fi

Customer service

Pay and Park
Customer service
weekdays between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m.:
Telephone:  +358 (0) 207 907 300

Property Plaza Business Park Äyritie 16-24, 01510 Vantaa