Sähköauton lataus EuroPark

Electric car or combustion engine car

Hard to choose: Between an electric vehicle or a traditional combustion engine Buying a car is a decision which requires careful consideration. Nowadays, the choice is not limited to make and model alone; the choice of power source has also become a key question. As electric cars are becoming more commonplace, many consumers are wondering whether it is time to …

Nainen EuroParkin parkkihallissa

Tips for fuel efficiency: How to reduce your carbon footprint while driving

Improving fuel efficiency Improving fuel efficiency is one of the most important ways to reduce your carbon footprint and save on costs at the same time. This is why we recommend that our customers optimise their driving habits. In a combustion engine car, a steady speed and decreasing the amount of sudden braking, for example, can significantly reduce fuel consumption. …

Mall of Tripla ja EuroPark.

P-Tripla to open on 1 July 2023

EuroPark’s parking zone in Helsinki’s Mall of Tripla will open on 1 July. Tripla’s parking has been comprehensively overhauled, which will make parking at Tripla easier than before.

Kauluspaitaan pukeutunut henkilö seisoo Kauppakeskus Sellon edessä.

“Flexible and smooth parking is an attractive factor” – how EuroPark’s partnership with Sello Shopping Centre is built

Sello’s year has kicked off in the spirit of celebration, as the shopping centre is turning 20 years old this year. The number of customers has been growing steadily since the COVID pandemic, and the renting of business premises is also on the rise. “Expectations are high for the current year,” says Sello’s property manager Olli Paunola. Sello Shopping Centre …